FireLeague Season 5 - Qualification - Qualifier 02 - Bracket C header
participants registered 6
participants checked-in 6
GHR E-Sports Youngstars logo
GHR E-Sports Youngstars
Germany flag
id: 8 checked-in
Team MAST and Friends logo
Team MAST and Friends
Germany flag
id: 1579 checked-in
BLUEJAYS Gxnner logo
Germany flag
id: 1755 checked-in
Dynamo Tresen logo
Dynamo Tresen
Germany flag
id: 1214 checked-in
Team FragZ logo
Team FragZ
Germany flag
id: 787 checked-in
Die geboosterten 5 logo
Die geboosterten 5
Germany flag
id: 1272 checked-in