Ascension League Season 1 - Qualification - Qualifier 07 - Bracket  B header
participants registered 23
participants checked-in 23
deleted logo
Europe flag
id: 545 checked-in
... logo
Germany flag
id: 531 checked-in
JA keine Ahnung logo
JA keine Ahnung
Germany flag
id: 267 checked-in
No Plan B logo
No Plan B
Europe flag
id: 231 checked-in
uf logo
Europe flag
id: 170 checked-in
Indicator esports logo
Indicator esports
Germany flag
id: 595 checked-in
Line of Duty esports logo
Line of Duty esports
Germany flag
id: 614 checked-in
Team MADUX logo
Europe flag
id: 155 checked-in
Spooky-Gaming logo
Germany flag
id: 110 checked-in
Ares Gaming logo
Ares Gaming
Germany flag
id: 35 checked-in
Angelus E-Sport  logo
Angelus E-Sport
Germany flag
id: 536 checked-in
GC Esport logo
GC Esport
Germany flag
id: 62 checked-in
Team RIP logo
Team RIP
Germany flag
id: 18 checked-in
NoTimeForTactics logo
Germany flag
id: 417 checked-in
Team Black logo
Team Black
Germany flag
id: 48 checked-in
WASD Athletics  logo
WASD Athletics
Germany flag
id: 593 checked-in
Hühnchen mit Reich logo
Hühnchen mit Reich
Germany flag
id: 19 checked-in
GC Esport (Deleted) logo
GC Esport (Deleted)
Germany flag
id: 193 checked-in
Babos Gaming logo
Babos Gaming
Switzerland flag
id: 393 checked-in
Deleted Team (Recast Gaming) logo
Deleted Team (Recast Gaming)
Germany flag
id: 53 checked-in
deleted logo
Europe flag
id: 239 checked-in
Carnivora logo
Germany flag
id: 12 checked-in