6 VS 6 | WeSports Cup #3 header
participants registered 9
participants checked-in 9
ENJOY Sports logo
ENJOY Sports
Germany flag
id: 4277 checked-in
Team FurY logo
Team FurY
Germany flag
id: 4253 checked-in
RAK Lions [inactive] logo
RAK Lions [inactive]
Germany flag
id: 4271 checked-in
The Black Pearl Darkside Gaming logo
The Black Pearl Darkside Gaming
Germany flag
id: 4906 checked-in
Jokers eSports [inactive] logo
Jokers eSports [inactive]
United Kingdom flag
id: 5068 checked-in
Namenlos eSports logo
Namenlos eSports
Austria flag
id: 4177 checked-in
dream Vatic logo
dream Vatic
Germany flag
id: 5069 checked-in
Blackoutx Shadow Cup logo
Blackoutx Shadow Cup
Germany flag
id: 5070 checked-in
Germany flag
id: 4200 checked-in