Uniliga LoL Sommer 2024 - Gruppenphase - Liga 5 header
participants registered 27
participants checked-in 27
HSPF Horizon logo
HSPF Horizon
Germany flag
id: 5700 checked-in
HSGL Jetskis logo
HSGL Jetskis
Germany flag
id: 6006 checked-in
Germany flag
id: 5728 checked-in
Ilmenauer Leaguen im Liegen logo
Ilmenauer Leaguen im Liegen
Germany flag
id: 5682 checked-in
HSPF Aurora [inactive] logo
HSPF Aurora [inactive]
Germany flag
id: 7417 checked-in
AB Minions logo
AB Minions
Germany flag
id: 7794 checked-in
HsGL. Galleys logo
HsGL. Galleys
Germany flag
id: 5993 checked-in
NE Untamed Unicorns logo
NE Untamed Unicorns
Germany flag
id: 5662 checked-in
Mind Over Meta logo
Mind Over Meta
Germany flag
id: 5624 checked-in
Linden Leaf Hannover logo
Linden Leaf Hannover
Germany flag
id: 5617 checked-in
B-Legends logo
Germany flag
id: 7792 checked-in
TeSSA Ascending logo
TeSSA Ascending
Germany flag
id: 5798 checked-in
UBT Plastik 10 Division logo
UBT Plastik 10 Division
Germany flag
id: 6081 checked-in
UED Confusion logo
UED Confusion
Germany flag
id: 5881 checked-in
BIzarre5 logo
Germany flag
id: 7688 checked-in
HentHaie logo
Germany flag
id: 6018 checked-in
ESUG SchildGÖten logo
ESUG SchildGÖten
Germany flag
id: 6050 checked-in
HSMW Shadows logo
HSMW Shadows
Germany flag
id: 7819 checked-in
Munich eSports Turtle Frog logo
Munich eSports Turtle Frog
Germany flag
id: 7791 checked-in
DeltaDullies logo
Germany flag
id: 7720 checked-in
BEA 『      』 logo
BEA 『 』
Germany flag
id: 7842 checked-in
Baltic eSports Kiel Seeelefanten logo
Baltic eSports Kiel Seeelefanten
Germany flag
id: 5943 checked-in
geekhub uwu edition logo
geekhub uwu edition
Germany flag
id: 7843 checked-in
Heralds of Hannover logo
Heralds of Hannover
Germany flag
id: 7847 checked-in
Wohnmobil Mannheim logo
Wohnmobil Mannheim
Germany flag
id: 7853 checked-in
Rostock Team 2 logo
Rostock Team 2
Germany flag
id: 5674 checked-in