ShockR6 Season 1 - Phase Two - Playoff header
participants registered 16
participants checked-in 16
Enterprise Black logo
Enterprise Black
United States flag
id: 7476 checked-in
AOS logo
Canada flag
id: 7484 checked-in
Kaiser Esports logo
Kaiser Esports
United States flag
id: 7468 checked-in
Unkn0wn logo
United States flag
id: 7402 checked-in
Centurion Esports logo
Centurion Esports
United States flag
id: 7420 checked-in
Dark Knight Esports logo
Dark Knight Esports
United States flag
id: 7480 checked-in
Army of Five Storm logo
Army of Five Storm
United States flag
id: 7360 checked-in
Second Guessed eSports logo
Second Guessed eSports
United States flag
id: 7339 checked-in
For Violet logo
For Violet
United States flag
id: 7385 checked-in
Evil Connections logo
Evil Connections
United States flag
id: 7081 checked-in
Mayhem Esports White logo
Mayhem Esports White
United States flag
id: 7499 checked-in
Lemon Esports logo
Lemon Esports
United States flag
id: 7495 checked-in
ioS logo
United States flag
id: 7509 checked-in
Imperial Commando Esports logo
Imperial Commando Esports
United States flag
id: 7515 checked-in
White Leopard logo
White Leopard
United States flag
id: 1692 checked-in