Shock R6 Season 2 is here! This Season we will have 2 Divisions... Major and Minor, the top 8 Teams from the Minor Division each season is granted access into the Major Division.
Major Division
- $35 Entry Fee
- $700 Prize Pool
1st - $475
2nd - $225
- (Offers better competition and more games casted)
Minor Division
- $25 Entry Fee
- $300 Prize Pool
1st - $200
2nd - $100
- (Less competition and less games casted)
- Will be done through PayPal and only PayPal. Join the discord server in our organization profile for more info.
To be notified when we update a rule, tournament updates, or even the upcoming season... Join the discord server in the organization profile!
- All games will be self-scheduled within the time frame that is given.
Major/Minor Division | Group Stage will be a BO1 24 team Single Round Robin phase with teams broken up into groups of 6. Each team will play the others in their group once and the Top 4 teams will advance to the Playoffs. The schedule for Group Stage is as follows:
- Game 1 | May 17th - 21st
- Game 2 | May 22nd - 24th
- Game 3 | May 25th - 27th
- Game 4 | May 28th - 30th
- Game 5 | May 31st - June 3rd
Playoffs will place the top 16 teams from Group Stage in a 16 team Single-Elimination Bracket. All matches will be BO3 except for the Grand Finals which will be BO5. The schedule for Playoffs is below:
- Round of 16 | June 6th- 10th
- Quarterfinals | June 11th - 13th
- Semifinals | June 14th - 16th
- Grand Finale | June 17th - 21st
Teams will schedule games through OPL