Blitz Season 2: Aslyum - Qualifiers  - Closed Qualifier 1 header
participants registered 12
participants checked-in 12
96 Bulls OF logo
96 Bulls OF
United States flag
id: 8947 checked-in
MeepeyKnows logo
United States flag
id: 3321 checked-in
HUSH logo
United States flag
id: 7645 checked-in
Chawk it G logo
Chawk it G
United States flag
id: 8472 checked-in
F5 Esports logo
F5 Esports
United States flag
id: 8650 checked-in
MazE logo
United States flag
id: 9015 checked-in
Envy logo
United States flag
id: 8991 checked-in
Prospects Esports logo
Prospects Esports
United States flag
id: 4072 checked-in
QoR Gaming logo
QoR Gaming
United States flag
id: 8500 checked-in
Outlast logo
United States flag
id: 8691 checked-in
Men Of Mayhem logo
Men Of Mayhem
Canada flag
id: 6369 checked-in
1HP logo
United States flag
id: 8009 checked-in