StyLex Siege League - Season VIII - Qualifying - Open Qualifier 2 header

Teams are split into groups and will play for a spot in the upcoming season.
1st and 2nd place from each group will place in the Advanced League
3rd and 4th place from each group will place in the Open League
5th+ Place from each group do not qualify and will need to qualify in another qualifier or the next season.
All qualifier matches are Bo1

Main League:
There a 3 tiers of league,
Professional will have Bo2 matches
Advanced will have Bo2 matches
Open will have Bo1 matches

The top 4 from the Professional League place in a 4 team double elimination bracket for the remaining prize pool.
All finals matches are Bo3, the Grand Final is a Bo5 with no winners bracket advantage

Top 6 from Professional League remain in the Professional League
1st from Advanced League moves up to the Professional League
1st from Open League moves up to the Advanced League
8th from Professional League moves down to the Advanced League
8th from Advanced League moves down to the Open League
2nd from Advanced League fights 7th from Professional League, for the next season spot.
2nd from Open League fights 7th from Advanced League, for the next season spot.
3rd to 6th from Advanced League remain in the Advanced League
3rd and 4th from Open League remain in the Open League
5th to 8th from Open League drop back into the next season039;s Qualifier


At least 5 members of your team must be within Europe+Turkey and Russia
All players must be over the age of 16,
Under 16s are allowed with parental permission. With a 13+ Minimum
MOSS is required for all games,
Failure to supply the MOSS file up to 12BST/13CEST after your game will result in a default loss

via invite
via invite
event start
Aug 22, 2022, 03:30 PM UTC
event in progress
event completed
Sep 04, 2022
Rainbow Six Siege logo
Rainbow Six Siege
tournament bracket icon
round robin
match mode icon
match mode
5 vs 5
match mode icon
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