xKittyx's profile picture
account ID 19145
user name
name Stacey
gender female
residency United Kingdom flag
game accounts
launcher account
Xbox Live ID Ms xkittyx
PSN ID Ms_xkittyx
Activision Kitty#6912313
match vote statistics
29 votes / 59% correct
Modern Warfare 2
11 votes / 55% correct
Modern Warfare 3
18 votes / 61% correct
User logs
team name keyword done on
UndertheRadar joined Feb. 25. 2024 - 09:23pm CET
dream Team left Feb. 13. 2024 - 11:18pm CET
UndertheRadar [inactive] kicked Nov. 26. 2023 - 09:53pm CET
UndertheRadar [inactive] joined Nov. 18. 2023 - 02:10pm CET
Under the Radar [inactive] kicked Oct. 18. 2023 - 12:38pm CEST
Under the Radar [inactive] joined Jul. 29. 2023 - 10:43am CEST
JustSaying [inactive] left Jul. 06. 2023 - 01:08pm CEST
dream Team joined Jun. 28. 2023 - 01:42pm CEST
JustSaying [inactive] joined Jun. 18. 2023 - 02:50pm CEST