Darius's profile picture
account ID 20185
user name
name Towelie
age 27
gender male
residency Germany flag
this user is banned reason: under investigation
game accounts
launcher account
PSN ID ThcTowelie420
Activision Towelie#8796908
User logs
team name keyword done on
ParadoX Esports joined Aug. 27. 2024 - 10:12pm CEST
Legacy unique Brotherhood kicked Aug. 09. 2024 - 08:33pm CEST
Legacy unique Brotherhood joined Apr. 09. 2024 - 02:02am CEST
The Black Pearl Darkside Gaming kicked Aug. 15. 2023 - 01:29pm CEST
The Black Pearl Darkside Gaming joined Jul. 28. 2023 - 01:32pm CEST