Dennis90's profile picture
account ID 23143
user name
name Dennis
age 34
gender male
residency Germany flag
game accounts
launcher account
PSN ID d3nnis12011990
Activision EinfachDennis#3739117
User logs
team name keyword done on
The inVisible Gamer joined Jun. 30. 2024 - 04:31pm CEST
Legacy eSport left May. 19. 2024 - 07:19pm CEST
Legacy eSport joined May. 13. 2024 - 09:06pm CEST
The inVisible Gamer [Cup Team] left May. 13. 2024 - 09:05pm CEST
The inVisible Gamer kicked Mar. 06. 2024 - 10:10pm CET
The inVisible Gamer [Cup Team] joined Nov. 18. 2023 - 02:01pm CET
The inVisible Gamer joined Oct. 21. 2023 - 05:59pm CEST