Nightwind's profile picture
account ID 23453
user name
name Kevin
age 25
gender male
residency Germany flag
game accounts
launcher account
Ubisoft Connect - PC Crystal_Desert
Riot ID (Valorant) Nightwind#Dhuum
Steam Nightwind
Battlenet Nightwind#2566
Riot ID (League of Legends) Nightwind#Dhuum
match vote statistics
9 votes / 78% correct
League Of Legends
9 votes / 78% correct
User logs
team name keyword done on
Paderborn E-Sports Blue joined Oct. 26. 2023 - 06:27pm CEST
launcher old new done on
Ubisoft Connect - PC Not set 0d17a720-7f7b-4cb3-8ce7-7b43df8493ad Oct. 26. 2023 - 06:22pm CEST