royale2023's profile picture
account ID 24915
user name
name Marcel
age 39
gender male
residency Germany flag
game accounts
launcher account
PSN ID XxRoyale2023xX
Activision XxRoyale2023xX#4479557
User logs
team name keyword done on
The inVisible Gamer left Aug. 21. 2024 - 06:17am CEST
The inVisible Gamer joined Aug. 17. 2024 - 04:57pm CEST
Silent RaptorZ left May. 28. 2024 - 05:23pm CEST
Silent RaptorZ joined May. 23. 2024 - 07:56pm CEST
Monkey's E-Sport left May. 23. 2024 - 07:55pm CEST
Monkey's E-Sport joined Mar. 12. 2024 - 06:22am CET
The Company of deadly Cookies kicked Mar. 05. 2024 - 12:25pm CET
The Company of deadly Cookies joined Nov. 25. 2023 - 01:44pm CET