Denzo's profile picture
account ID 25720
user name
name Dennis
age 27
gender male
residency Germany flag
game accounts
launcher account
Xbox Live ID TehObey#9494
Activision Obey#3873132
match vote statistics
3 votes / 33% correct
Modern Warfare 3
3 votes / 33% correct
User logs
team name keyword done on
The Frogs joined Jan. 28. 2024 - 01:46pm CET
The Frogs left Jan. 28. 2024 - 01:46pm CET
The Frogs joined Jan. 28. 2024 - 01:46pm CET
Denzo left Jan. 28. 2024 - 01:46pm CET
Tier 4 left Jan. 28. 2024 - 01:45pm CET
The Frogs left Jan. 28. 2024 - 01:45pm CET
The Frogs joined Jan. 28. 2024 - 01:44pm CET
WeSports Rising kicked Dec. 28. 2023 - 04:25am CET
WeSports Rising joined Dec. 22. 2023 - 05:20pm CET