LegendaryLarry シ's profile picture
account ID 27362
user name
LegendaryLarry シ
gender male
residency Germany flag
description Think Legendary
You have to earn other people's envy ツ
game accounts
launcher account
Xbox Live ID sLyErZ#1877
Activision LegendaryLarry#4666392
match vote statistics
5 votes / 40% correct
Modern Warfare 3
5 votes / 40% correct
User logs
team name keyword done on
Ravenz esports Cup joined Jul. 13. 2024 - 11:15am CEST
RaVenZ e-sports joined Jul. 13. 2024 - 11:14am CEST
EpicSquad left Apr. 14. 2024 - 11:03am CEST
EpicSquad joined Feb. 19. 2024 - 11:52am CET
old username new username done on
LegendaryLarry LegendaryLarry シ Jul. 13. 2024 - 04:58pm CEST
SLyeRz LegendaryLarry Jul. 13. 2024 - 04:58pm CEST