Koji's profile picture
account ID 29
user name
name Konrad Kurzweil
age 23
gender male
residency Austria flag
description Gud IGeL
this user is suspended reason: under investigation
penalties current penalty points: 0P
date admin reason amount
Feb. 01. 2021 System All penalty points decayed -5
Dec. 18. 2020 SquadPayne Nicht-Antritt Matchup-ID 5655 +5
Oct. 28. 2020 System All penalty points decayed -22
Sep. 13. 2020 SquadPayne Verlassen der Lobby vor Matchende +3
game accounts
launcher account
Ubisoft Connect - PC Koji.Alpha
beta tester logo

beta tester

You didn't even know what it is.
beta cup winner logo

beta cup winner

A lot of hype around something that isn't finished.
match vote statistics
45 votes / 62% correct
Rainbow Six Siege
45 votes / 62% correct