Dako_R6's profile picture
account ID 45
user name
name Yannick
age 28
gender male
residency Germany flag
penalties current penalty points: 0P
date admin reason amount
Oct. 23. 2020 System All penalty points decayed -19
Sep. 08. 2020 System Point reduction due to temporarily ban (45 days passed) -30
Jul. 25. 2020 Shadow Spielen mit nicht-spielberechtigten Spielern +29
Jul. 03. 2020 Shadow Verwendung nicht-erlaubter Software +20
game accounts
launcher account
Ubisoft Connect - PC Dako.R6
beta tester logo

beta tester

You didn't even know what it is.
early bird logo

early bird

Sacrificed to look for sharks - it is safe.