StrkR's profile picture
account ID 88
user name
name Brian
gender male
residency Germany flag
penalties current penalty points: 0P
date admin reason amount
Nov. 11. 2020 System All penalty points decayed -4
Sep. 27. 2020 StreetDog Spamming im All-Chat +4
May. 14. 2020 System All penalty points decayed -3
Mar. 30. 2020 StreetDog GN im All-Chat +3
game accounts
launcher account
Ubisoft Connect - PC StrkR.
beta cup winner logo

beta cup winner

A lot of hype around something that isn't finished.
early bird logo

early bird

Sacrificed to look for sharks - it is safe.
User logs
team name keyword done on
Ice Force Esports kicked Oct. 11. 2022 - 03:41pm UTC